Are you looking for a small business loan and searching for a legitimate lender? Want to avoid predatory lenders? Here are some red flags to look out for. Predatory lenders include any lending practice whose terms are unfair or outright abusive. They can use deceptive...
Are you a small business owner ready to get more clients or take your business to the next level? Keep watching (and reading) to learn five simple steps you can take to grow your business. Improve Your Business Do you ever look up a business and find they have a...
Inflation occurs when prices rise across the economy, decreasing the purchasing power of your money. High inflation has a significant impact on businesses. Rising supplies and services costs make running a business more expensive. Business owners are then forced to...
External Factors This includes events that just aren’t your fault. The pandemic interrupted almost every business in this country and caused numerous to shut down. Other risks include shifts in the economy such as the Great Recession of 2008, political upheavals,...
An economic injury disaster loan or EIDL loan with a small business loan program that businesses apply for in the event of a declared disaster. Companies with substantial damage from floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires use the funds from this program for...