If you need additional working capital for any reason, odds are you’re going to have to go through the business loan application process. For some small business owners, this may seem like a daunting prospect. However, business loan applications aren’t as complex as...
While small business statistics can be abysmal in some cases, there are stories of those small businesses that do succeed. There are small businesses in this country that not only succeed but manage to flourish and consequently expand in monumental ways. Usually, when...
Debt consolidation takes your outstanding debt and any loans you might have and rolls them into one larger loan, thus leaving you accountable to only a single creditor. In this way, you do not have to remember to pay multiple payments each month, plus you may be...
Who even knew that “gruntled” was a word? Gruntled Workers Day was started by Thomas and Ruth Roy back in 2018. In realizing that there was no alternative to disgruntled, the duo devised a day that represented a time for workers to get together and celebrate their...
If you’re a small business owner, it is imperative that you understand precisely what quarterly taxes are. Estimated quarterly tax payments represent the money that you pay the government every quarter. You will remit these payments throughout a given year in...