Happy Administrative Professionals Day

Happy Administrative Professionals Day

Today is a day that we honor and take the time to thank those administrative professionals who keep the offices running, who keep workflows moving, and who perform tasks vital to any enterprise. Administrative Professionals Day is perhaps one of the most important...
National Work Zone Awareness Week

National Work Zone Awareness Week

Did you know that this week was National Work Zone Awareness Week? Not many people might know of this. And yet it is perhaps one of the most critical weeks that we have to keep lives safe. A few facts that you should know: In 2020, there were almost 5000 fatal work...
National Hairstylist Appreciation Day

National Hairstylist Appreciation Day

On April 25, we celebrate hairstylists. These people perform a vital service and yet often go overlooked if not unappreciated. During the lockdown, many of us discovered how important hairstylists are to our lives. National Hairstylist Appreciation Day is a time for...
What is a Collateral Loan?

What is a Collateral Loan?

A collateral loan is also known as a secured business loan as it carries some form of guarantee. Borrowers put down something of value or assets to secure the loan. This protects the lender from losing any money. If you default, the lender can then seize your assets...