When applying for a commercial loan, one of the things that you will have to submit is your bank statements. Why? Bank statements can reveal quite a bit about the state of your company and your ability to manage money. Based on what they see when it comes to your bank...
Interest rates are expected to rise yet again. In trying to control the otherwise out-of-control inflation we’re now experiencing in this country, the Federal Reserve seems invested in increasing interest rates. Consumers were already hit by one rather significant...
As we began to emerge from the pandemic, it seemed that shipping delays would be a thing of the past. That is most definitely not the case, however. In light of the toll that COVID-19 is taking on Shanghai and other Chinese cities, shipping delays have become a...
It’s probably not news to many that interest rates are on the rise. In early May, the Federal Reserve raised the short-term interest rate by half a percent. This was a huge move and the biggest hike seen in over two decades. The move came as a result of rapidly rising...
According to the IRS, there are two types of business expenses: business and capital. A business expense is an ordinary and necessary expense without which you cannot run your business. They include things such as rent, insurance, and state taxes. A capital expense is...