On April 25, we celebrate hairstylists. These people perform a vital service and yet often go overlooked if not unappreciated. During the lockdown, many of us discovered how important hairstylists are to our lives. National Hairstylist Appreciation Day is a time for you to thank your hairstylist and show them that what they do is valued. It is an integral part of your everyday life.

A Brief History of National Hairstylist Appreciation Day
While we don’t know the exact day this particular occasion started, we know that hairstyling and haircutting have a deep and significant history in this country. Just think about the various styles and haircuts that have appeared during specific periods and decades. Hairstylists were the masterminds behind some iconic fashion trends. Hairstylists are, in fact, trendsetters. In the 1950s, for example, men’s hairstyles were shorter, often slicked back. Think James Dean, think Elvis. Women’s styles were similar to what Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn donned in popular movies and magazine campaigns.
The 1980s were marked by a punk rock-chic look as far as hairstyles. And yes, some hairstyles can be more forgettable (or should be forgotten) than others. The mullet craze of the 80s is probably better left in the past. But that shows that hairstylists are not afraid to take chances; they are not afraid to take risks and try new things to make clients happy and set their trends and styles.
What Can You Do on National Hairstylist Appreciation Day?
So what are some things that you might do today to show your appreciation for those who style and cut hair?

1. Keep it simple and let your hairstylist know how appreciated they truly are. A thank you card, even a basic thank you text, goes a long way toward brightening someone’s day. And, of course, it is a way to show that you truly value what they do and who they are.
2. Go and get your hair done. Maybe it’s time for a change. Perhaps you want to go a little crazy and think outside the box where your current hairstyle is concerned. What better day to do that than on National Hairstylist Appreciation Day. Make an appointment, and let your hairstylist have a little fun with your style. You might be amazed at what they can do if given some creative freedom!
3. Make sure to tip your hairstylist. Not just today, but on any day you get your hair done, you want to make sure that you include a gratuity with your payment. Hairstylists were also hit relatively hard by the pandemic. Many of them are still in recovery mode. A little extra money by way of a tip will probably be quite welcomed right now.
More Ideas for National Hairstylist Appreciation Day
Promote your hairstylist’s shop on social media
There’s nothing quite like free advertising. If you offer a shout-out to your beauty salon or hairstylist on your Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook account, this could mean new business for them. And that is undoubtedly an excellent way to show your appreciation. You could also refer a friend or family member to your hairstylist. Referrals often make for excellent advertising.
Send them flowers
Flowers have an uncanny way of brightening up someone’s day. And especially on National Hairstylist Appreciation Day, a bouquet of flowers, some roses, really do you say that you recognize how important they are in your life.
Take a moment today and think about your hairstylist. Hairstylists are some of the most creative and inventive people working in our society today. They deserve to be appreciated. They deserve to know how much they are valued. And consequently, do something to show your appreciation.
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