How SBA Loans Can Empower Nonprofits

by | Oct 6, 2023 | Business Finance, Business Strategy, Resources, SBA | 0 comments

How SBA Loans Can Empower Nonprofits

The Lifeline for Nonprofits: SBA Loans

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is not just for profit-driven businesses. It also extends its support to eligible nonprofits, providing them with the financial lifeline to serve their communities effectively. Your social impact organization could be the next beneficiary of these loans, designed specifically to aid organizations that may struggle to secure traditional funding.

Investing More in Your Cause

SBA loans are not just about keeping the lights on. They enable you to invest more in your cause, team, and community. With the financial support from these loans, you can focus more on what truly matters – making a difference in the world.

The SBA’s Role: Reducing Risk for Lenders

It’s important to note that the SBA doesn’t lend directly. Instead, they work with lenders to reduce risk, making it easier for you to secure the funding you need. By guaranteeing a portion of the loan, the SBA encourages lenders to provide loans to nonprofits they might otherwise consider too risky.

First Union Lending: Your Partner in Securing SBA Loans

If you need an SBA loan or any other business loan, First Union Lending is here to help. We’re committed to making the process as straightforward as possible. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your mission.

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Only U.S.-Based Businesses are Eligible